We still have almost 2 feet of snow on the ground and it's the first week of March! 2 FEET! In some areas, we have piles that are taller than my son. He is a little taller than 6 feet.
Jbo and I were talking on the way into work today that the crocus should be starting to bloom soon, so I checked out the timing on this blog and it looks like in the past, they bloomed anywhere from March 20 - April 1.
I just don't see that we will be able to see any of these flowers by the third week of March. I don't see any real "warm" days in the near future. Hope I'm wrong, but I also don't want to see the damage all of this melting snow will do to everyone. I would like it to start melting (today),...slowly. A little every day.
Needless to say, we are so OVER this winter. Jbo says it still looks very nice - which is true, but I'm itching to see the green grass and the pretty flowers.