Monday, March 30, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009

say it with pictures...

I think this garden blog is going to have mostly pictures :) I mean, there's not much else to say other than what I can show you in a photo.

Top two are Siberian Squill (I love that they are blue!) and the bottom of course is (giant) Crocus.

Squill are like Bluebell, only they come out sooner are are a deeper blue. Squill are supposed to spread like mad.

uneaten crocuses...

I am using Deer & Rabbit Repellent to keep them away. It's working and I think this is the first year that I've seen so many crocuses under the front bushes.

If you look close, you can see a little bee at work.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

crocus, tulips and squill - oh my!

Today doing the ritual walk around I noticed one tulip head! This should NOT be. I think it's really going to be a retarded tulip (I know from last year that we have many).

There are already squill starting to show thier heads...and many at that.
(This photo is from 3 30 2008. This years Squill look like this today - 10 days earlier!)

Crocuses under the front bushes are all purpley and just about to bloom. I really hope the rabbits don't get to them before I can see just how beautiful they can be.
(This is how my crocuses looked last year after the dreaded bunnies!!!)

Monday, March 16, 2009

mild weekend...

This was the first weekend with very mild temperatures. We were able to get out of the house on Saturday and Sunday and work in the yard.

Jerome used a sawzall and cut up the garage door into pieces. The garage door has been sitting at the side of the driveway since Christmas waiting to be cut up so we can take it to the scrap yard. We're planning on rebuilding the garage this spring/summer. He brought the ladder out and took down the Christmas lights along the front of the house. He hung the historic plaque. He raked the front yard and burned the twigs and leaves.

I cleaned up the leaves all around the house and got halfway up one side of the driveway. There is still so much to do. This was a 5 Bextra and two nights of the heating pad weekend.

You wouldn’t believe all the growth! Many, many, many crocuses, tulips, squill and daffodils are coming up through the still frozen ground.

The weather is still supposed to be very nice the rest of the week, so maybe we’ll be able to get the majority of leaves up so that the plants can start coming through. It’s really early to get all of this done, so I’m very happy that the weather cooperated this weekend and we were able to get so much accomplished.

I’m sure we’re still in for some cold weather and even some snow. The last two years we had snow in mid-April. But it is so nice to have put a dent in the work so early.

We were also able to take a small walk up the new path that the county has just finished. They took apart the old railroad tracks and created a biking and walking path. We walked for about a half hour ~ 45 minutes. A lot of people were out there with their bikes or walking their dogs. It was so nice.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Saw the first robin of Spring!

what to look for in march...

In March, these are the flowers in my garden that we need to watch for since this is the month that they begin to bloom:

Running myrtle / periwinkle (vinca minor)
Siberian squill

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the walk...

Yesterday we did the ceremonial first walk around the property to see if things are growing. We do this ritual daily every spring.

To our surprise, things are starting to come up!

We saw some crocus greens and some tulip tips coming up on the east side of the property. Along the west side; some daffodils.

It’s spring!