Tuesday, April 28, 2009

it's hard to keep up...

firespray (praestans tub. var.)
white star magnolia


bleeding heart

Saturday, April 18, 2009

beautiful day...

Today is my 43rd birthday. It was a really beautiful day - not sure what the high temp was, but it was pretty hot.

We worked outside all day...from around noon until 8pm. Still not done. In the morning only the one set of tulips and the one daffodil had bloomed. By the end of the day, you wouldn't believe how many things had bloomed.

Even the little flower buds on the lilacs are starting to show some color.

Here's some pictures from this evening - a little dark. I tried to lighten them up a bit.


Can you tell me the name of these...some kind of violet?

First Tulip to come out

First Daffodil

I call these glories of the snow...but I really don't know

Monday, April 6, 2009

for the record...

Snowed last night - still snowing. We have about 4 inches on the ground with another 4 or so predicted. Flower anxiety hits!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

what to look for in april...

In April, these are the flowers in my garden that we need to watch for since this is the month that they begin to bloom:

Primroses (primula vulgaris)
Greater Periwinkle (vinca major)
Ground phlox (pholx subulata)
White star magnolias
Bleeding heart


The sweet little bunnies ate ALL my crocuses on the side of the house! I guess the fox urine washed away with the rain and snow. Note the carnage.

I have to make sure they stay away from the ones under the bushes in front because I noticed yesterday that there are two white crocuses coming up…I’ve never seen the white ones before – the bunnies usually eat them before they get this big.