Saturday, February 26, 2011

force-ythia; last photo...

force-ythia; photo 6 & 7...

The last couple of days, things have been happening pretty quickly.  The flowers on the branches are not completely open, but by the end of the day they will be.

photo 6; friday evening

photo 7; saturday morning

Thursday, February 24, 2011


btw, snowed 2 more inches overnight.  I'm kinda done with so much snow.

force-ythia; photo 5

This photo was taken pretty late - like around 7pm or so.  I use a point-n-shoot and so it was pretty difficult to take a photo with anything in focus.  I turned on every light possible and it's still so dark, but with all of that being said, you can still see clearly that there is some budding going on.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

force-ythia; photo 4...


I forgot to mention that after all the snow had melted, and we were finally seeing the ground again - we had upwards of 9 inches fall between Sunday and Monday.

Monday, February 21, 2011

force-ythia; photo 3...

...a little more...

I have tried to take a photo at the same time for the last three days (around 12:30pm). The rest of this week, the photos will be taken after we get home from work.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I'm forcing a few forsythia branches again this year.  My plan was to take a pic of the same bud every day, but I've already missed the first here is what it is on the 2nd day in the house.

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

veggie garden...

My intention is to begin a vegetable garden this year.  "My intention" means that I will need my husband to accommodate my wishes and help do the majority of the building.  I will help hold things and do the eventual planting, but he needs to do the heavy lifting.  

I was inspired by this article in This Old House Magazine, which is where this photo comes from.  We would put it on the east side of the garage in an area that we luckily had leveled when we had the garage built.  Prior to it being leveled, it was a pile of stumps and dirt.

We've started a list of the veggies that we'd like to see growing in this garden.  This is what we've chosen so far:
  • green beans
  • tomato (probably only one or two plants because neither of us eat all that many tomatoes)
  • green onions
  • parsley
  • corn (just a few stalks, so that I can have some decorations for the fall)
  • pumpkin (again, only a couple since all I want is a jack-o-lantern or two)
  • spinach (is there a difference between "baby" spinach and regular spinach?)
  • carrots
  • peppers
Well, that's the list so far.  We would build a fenced in area so that the little bunnies would only be able to eat my crocuses and tulips.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

happy valentine's day...

What was seen in the garden on Monday afternoon:

...and so it begins!