Tuesday, February 17, 2009

let the flowering begin...

The forsythia that I brought in a week ago Sunday has started blooming; meaning that the flowers are unraveling from their casings. Just a flower or two at the moment, but within a day or two, I’m sure the whole branch will be yellow.

The Azalea hasn’t shown much “growth” yet, but give it another week and I’m sure the blooms will begin.

The tulips and daffodils that I planted a couple of weeks back are also growing. The tulips are already over three inches tall and over the weekend I’ve noticed the tip of one daffodil. I’m not sure the other daffodil will bloom since I noticed when I planted it, the bulb was very light and dry, so it’s possible that it will not grow, since it may have died over the winter.

I find it interesting that the tulips are growing quicker than the daffodils since the latter is supposed to be one of the first to bloom in the spring; along with crocuses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice picture of terra-cotta pot with tulips starting to come up. Nice lighting. mid-sis