Tuesday, May 12, 2009

garden blues...

Haven't been doing much out in the garden lately.

Sometimes it has to do with the weather. It's been either too cold, too windy or too rainy. Other times I just don't feel like it. The reason is two-fold...if not three-fold; we are leaving in two weeks for our bi-annual trip to France. We'll be gone for a couple of weeks and when we return, our garage demolition should begin.

The boulder garden butts right up against the existing garage. We've been told by the contractors that are bidding on the job that they will need to move a couple of stacks of boulders. Within these couple of stacks are several plants that will need to be moved. We have a few roses, a lace-cap hydrangea, Russian sage, tulips, garlic, a juniper, some bamboo, some knautia-Macedonia and depending how far they go, some ground phlox, garden phlox, coreopsis, blanket flower & Japanese maple.

I don't know where we are going to move all these plants!

So, I'm feeling a little like the garden is going to be a mess for most of the summer, so why even bother putting much effort in it right now.

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