good 'ol orange daylily
Also this weekend, I started moving some plants. We are having our garage demo'd (and eventually rebuilt) and the contractors will need to move about 6 of my boulders that are close to the current garage.
There are several plants in that area that will need to be moved; roses, lace-capped hydrangea, yew, russian sage, knautia macedonica, bamboo (and hopefully that will be it). Jerome said that we will have our contractor come out and tell us if we'll need to move more. UGH!
We live on a lot that is 75 X 200 - and we have most every space taken up by some kind of plant. I hope we can find a place for everyone.
I moved three rose bushes on Saturday and they are in shock. I really hope they survive. I just heard yesterday that they crave potassium and that the best way to get that to them is to cut up some banana peels into small chunks and put that in the soil around the rose bushes. I think I will do that right away and see what happens.
Also, pulled out all the "bean" plants. We've been successful eliminating a couple of other invasive plants by just pulling them out. One was called Crown Vetch and the other was called Bishop's Weed or Ground Elder. Every time we saw one poking its little head out, we'd pluck it. Now they are gone. Hopefully it will work the same with the bean.
Beautiful flowers, and very impressive - I have a black thumb myself.
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I just posted a photo of a pink lily with a green bug.
I wonder what kind of bug it is. It must like lilies.
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