Saturday, March 13, 2010

spring has sprung...

The tulips and other flowers are growing like crazy on the south facing side of the house.  I think I'll have flowers on this big one in no time.


Charisa said...

Isn't it exciting seeing them pop up and watching them grow? I love the spring!

Jan Marie said...


My tulips are at the most 1/2 high and in most places they haven't even broken the surface yet.

Weather is dreary today.

baby sister said...

Yes, the weather is dreary over here as well - yesterday and today. Hope it's better tomorrow.

I have always said that it's because this is a south facing wall in full sun, but I noticed on the north facing side of the house, I have a lot of growth as well - mostly daffodils, but some tulips as well.

baby sister said...

This is the best part of having a garden is watching everything pop up. I love it more when they bloom :D

Anonymous said...

It is great to see a gardening blog from an actual gardener. I found the blog on Altavista, since all I seemed to find on Google are sponsored "blogs" w/ suspiciously professional-looking photographs and advertisements.

It is enjoyable to read about the projects + good luck w/ the garden. I'll visit in the future as well.