This rose (according to its tag) is called 'Chicago Peace'
I think this is called a 'mop-head' hydrangea.
I had moved a couple of these hydrangea's when we first moved in; four years ago. This is the first year that they actually had buds on them - and plenty! I hope this means that they will be budding every year.
It may have been the amount of snow that we had and the fact that they were covered with snow pretty much the entire winter - so no cold wind could get to them. I think this winter I will cover them, so that it will protect them. You can never count on the Michigan winters to be quite like they were last winter.
My hydrangeas are just starting to bud.
That is one gorgeous rose.
Are you sure that is cosmos? Looks like Love in the Mist.
Is it easy to grow??? I might plant some if it is.
No, I'm not sure about the cosmo-thing...I guess I assumed since they came in the same envelope with the cosmos I ordered. Maybe the person sending the seeds decided to throw in a little surprise.
Post will be changed to update the name - thanks again and HOW did you know that???
My MIL has these in her garden in France too and I (now I know) mistakenly called them cosmos...ugh
VERY easy to grow - they re-seed themselves quite well.
I once thought about buying a Love in the Mist plant. I love the blue color.
Cupid's Dart is similar.
I love blue flowers but they are so few and far between.
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